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Updated: May 15, 2020

One hundred fifty four home care kits distributed! Wow, it means a lot to us, it means one hundred fifty four families of our orphans and widows and almost one thousand people saved from hunger, it also means 30.8 percent of our target reached. We are very grateful to all the donors of this project and also to God who means everything to everyone. 1 Corinthians 15:28 (CET Version).

This week’s biggest challenge was how can we keep our team safe and effective during this crisis while continuing the distribution of food to the most vulnerable in our network of orphans and widows in the communities of Rwanda.

As we write this 147 people have tested positive to COVID-19 in Rwanda in which 76 have recovered and the lockdown extended until April 30th. The government of Rwanda is doing its best to tackle the spread of the pandemic and to save lives; unfortunately the need for food and essentials is massive as most people have already spent their last francs.

Another reason to continue the distribution of home care kits and save more vulnerable people in our communities.

The Lord has done a great Job!

Jeanne Mukarukundo

We reached out to Jeanne and her children's home to deliver food. Jeanne is a widow who rents a one-bedroom house in the outskirts of Kigali. Before the outbreak she worked daily jobs, either hand washing clothes for families in the neighborhood or cultivating other people's land to earn some money. Because of the lockdown, her activities could not continue. Not only is she unable to travel but also no one will let her in their home to wash clothes because of the fear of the virus. Thus she cannot make any more money to pay rent or feed her two boys.

We delivered this home care kit with food to her home and explained that it is a gift of love from friends from the US. She was amazed and said that it’s surprising how friends from the other side of the world can think of her family, she broke into tears and said that the Lord has done a great job.

She woke up for the first time in three weeks !

The mother of Harriette Uwamurera

Harriette studied sewing at Hope Vocational Training Center. She is the first born of 14 children, their mother has a chronic back disease and she cannot do any work.

Harriette's young sister (holding the baby in the picture above) also works to help provide food for the family. She does sewing projects and embroideries, but all the sewing work is shut down because of the COVID -19 pandemic.

After getting their home care kit, they blessed all the friends in the USA who tirelessly care for the vulnerable in these uncertain times.

The family of George Gasigwa

A minister of God

George has 7 kids with his first born suffering from liver disease and been admitted in the hospital for the last 13 months, they have another crippled child, because of the family situation and sicknesses only the father works on a temporary basis as a minister in the local church, they rent a two bedroom house, eat once daily and most of the members of the family sleep on the carpet in the living room.

We got connected to George’s family back in 2016 when they adopted Bonheur who is 16 now and orphan of HIV and HIV positive himself, Bonheur is doing Hairdressing at Hope TVET and his life has changed dramatically, However his family situation is not always easy, when we visited them they had no food left and the kids had eaten nothing on that day.

The parents couldn't stop smiling that day, they prayed for us as we were heading out to the next family.

Each family has a different and touching story to tell. These few have been selected to give you an overview of the work being done. On behalf of the team distributing the kits; we are grateful to Rwanda Rise leadership and every one who has contributed to the accomplishment of this mission.

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