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Week of June 8, 2020

This week we proudly delivered the last home care kits; we can't help but recall the joy that these kits brought to the hearts of their recipients, the smiles they put on the faces of our students and we could tell the project was achieving its goals before we even concluded it.

When the project started, reaching out to each and every one of our students seemed impossible but we knew the hardships our students and the vulnerable people in our community were going through and what we found was moving and sad as far more people than we expected suffered from the consequences of the lockdown. Many people lost their jobs, businesses couldn’t run, and the vulnerable are more affected than the rest of society.



Valentin Niyomwungeri

Valentin is 16 years old and lives with his elderly parents and 10 siblings. Upon completion of his primary school education, he was inspired by his sister Ernestine who graduated from Hope Vocational Training Center in 2019.

His dream is to open his own sewing workshop in Kayonza and make clothes for the people in his community. His best moments here at school are when he is working on a sewing machine, “because it feels like I was born to be a tailor” he said.

During COVID-19 lockdown, Valentin’s family was hit hard because all of his sisters who were working to sustain the family lost their jobs. Upon receiving the homecare kits, he said that his family really needed some food and that there was no other way of getting it because of the crisis. He said he can’t wait to bring it home and see how people rejoice.

Juliene Tumukunde

Juliene is 16 years old and lives with her grandmother and her parents and 7 siblings. She couldn't go to secondary school because her family couldn’t afford tuition fees. However, because of the generous support of donors in America, she received a scholarship to Hope Vocational Training Center. At the completion of her training she hopes to acquire a sewing machine and set up a sewing stand at home and make clothes for the neighbors.

She said told us the consequences of COVID-19 on her life are; her father's carpentry activities were put on hold, her mother could not sell her crops and she can't go to school.

She was very happy of the gift of food and cleaning supplies because it will help her family during this period. She is very grateful to God and the donors because they have helped her family survive.

Sarah Ngutegure

Sarah Ngutegure decided to join Hope Vocational Training Center because it is the only training center in her community to teach her a skill that will enable her to contribute to her family’s development. After she graduates, she plans to acquire sewing machines and open her own workshop.

Her family was greatly affected by the lockdown because their main source of income is her husband's masonry jobs which were put on hold during the COVID-19 lockdown. She and her family were grateful and joyful for their homecare kit and blessed the donors for such a wonderful gift.

Samuel Niyonkuru

Samuel Niyonkuru (middle) is 17 years old. He is pictured above with his young brother Odeb and their grandmother. Samuel lost his parents at a very young age and currently lives with his grandmother, his young brother and two of their cousins.

The main source of income for the family is farming jobs done by their grandmother. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic she hasn't been able to get any job. It is was a very hard time for the family until we delivered their home care kits. Upon receiving their Home Care Kit, Samuel was very happy to have food in their house once again.

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